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The "Bayraktar" drones were not launched to survey the positions of the Serbian army

Kosovo's Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, has denied the claim made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who stated that Bayraktar drones have been seen twice observing from Kosovo into Serbian territory. His statement was circulated by several Serbian-language media outlets without confirming the Serbian president's claim with other sources.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vuçiq participated in a session of the extended college of the Chief of the General Staff at the "Banjica 2" barracks, where he stated, "Albanian 'Bayraktars' were observed rising from the direction of Gjakova on June 5 and 20 at an altitude of 5,800 meters, aiming to observe the position of the Serbian army."


This unfounded claim by Vučić on July 3 was spread by Serbian media outlets such as:, Radio Kontakt Plus, SatTv,,,,

Minister of Defense Ejup Maqedonci refuted the president's claim, stating that these declarations are inaccurate since the operation of these drones is conducted solely within the Republic of Kosovo.

"The capabilities of the Kosovo Security Force are focused on building elements for the defense of our country's territory and sovereignty. In this regard, the 'Bayraktar' drones, as part of the KSF's weaponry inventory, are integral components of the KSF's operational units. Within the KSF, we have the unmanned aerial systems unit that operates the 'Bayraktar' drones, and naturally, their operations are conducted within the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, without the intent of observing any neighboring country or violating the airspace of any country. Based on the operation plan, these drones fly in the skies of Kosovo, always aiming to be tested and operated for the purpose of observing the terrain within the Republic of Kosovo," Maqedonci stated.

KFOR holds authority over Kosovo's airspace. After Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced the purchase of drones in July 2023, NATO's mission clarified through a media statement that Kosovo's upper airspace can only be used for commercial flights traversing Kosovo from one country to another. According to them, regarding the use of all categories of drones and their respective limitations, including the Bayraktar TB-2, "in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, the Commander of Kosovo Forces (KFOR) has primary authority over the airspace above Kosovo."

"Regarding the use of all categories of drones and their respective limitations, including the Bayraktar TB-2, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, the Commander of Kosovo Forces (KFOR) has primary authority over the airspace above Kosovo," was said in the KFOR statement.

This is not the first time that Serbian media have linked the activities of the Kosovo Security Force, both within and outside the country, to a potential attack on Serbia.

*This article is published as part of the Western Balkans Regional Initiative against disinformation. “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub: exposing malign influences through watchdog journalism.”



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