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Workshops: Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism

On October 21 and 22, two interactive workshops were held in North Mitrovica, within the project "Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism". These workshops, which were led by Sabina Kaqinari, brought together young people from different communities to discuss some issues of importance to them.

The first workshop focused on topics such as inner values, identity, the cultural iceberg model, conflict dynamics and gender roles. Central to this workshop was the discussion on safe spaces, where participants shared their personal perceptions of what a safe space means to them. This interactive dialogue allowed everyone to freely engage in the discussion, making the workshop itself a safe space for the exchange of ideas.

The second workshop focused on discussions about peace building, starting with the key importance of mental and emotional health in conflict resolution. Continuing with the analysis of the role of peace negotiations, the need for the involvement of all involved parties, especially those facing specific challenges in conflict situations, was emphasized. The discussion deepened especially in the influence of gender roles, experiences and conflict solutions, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and empathetic approach in addressing the causes of conflicts and building a sustainable peace.

Both workshops were structured interactively, encouraging participants to actively engage in discussions and practical exercises. This high engagement from the participants shows the great interest of Kosovar youth in these topics as well as their desire to challenge and explore new ideas. This engagement is a strong indicator of their potential in building a better environment for dialogue and cooperation in the community.

This project is supported by YIHR-KS funded by USAID Kosovo, and implemented by Sbunker in cooperation with Alternativna.


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