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Public Discussion "Analysis on extremism: Its role at the local level and civic sustainability."

Yesterday, Sbunker, in collaboration with the organization Syri i Vizionit, held the next public discussion in the city of Peja on the topic "Analysis on extremism: Its role at the local level and civic sustainability."

The discussion began with a presentation by Naser Lajqi, who provided a general overview of the concept of extremism, its notions, and its impact at the local level. Before opening the discussion to participants, Lajqi emphasized the importance of the civic resilience as the most effective tool to counter extremism, encouraging a fruitful discussion on local challenges and solutions in the fight against extremism.

Participants in this public discussion were numerous, including citizens, leaders of local communities, village leaders, school representatives, youth, religious leaders, and others. They had the opportunity to engage in open discussion, contributing to and influencing a meaningful and productive interaction characterized by diverse perspectives.

This activity was implemented within the framework of Sbunker's project "Combatting Extremism in Kosovo: Trends, Challenges, and Counteractions," supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo through the Matra program.

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