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Second Session of the Lectures "Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism"

The second session of lectures within the project "Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism" was held on the 3rd of October. The lecture led by Alban Bokshi aimed to provide in-depth information on the challenges of extremism and radicalism today and ways to address them. This second lecture followed the one on the history of right-wing extremism, where he talked about the historical continuity between the fascism of the period between the two world wars and the forms of right-wing extremism today. For all the different differences and forms that extreme ideologies take today, they are still characterized by racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, anti-immigration, fake news and propaganda, conspiracy theories, etc.

After the presented lecture, a dynamic discussion took place among the participants, where they raised various questions and shared opinions about the topics covered. This exchange of ideas with each other helped to deepen the understanding of the problems and offered new perspectives on issues related to extremism.

The lecture was concluded with a small and creative exercise, which encouraged the participants to start revising their thoughts and reflecting on the articles they will write as part of the project.

This project is supported by YIHR-KS, financed by USAID Kosovo, and implemented by Sbunker in cooperation with the organization Alternativna.

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