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Public Activity in Prishtina: Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism

On November 26, a public activity was held in Prishtina as part of the project "Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism." Led by Sabina Kaqinari, these workshops brought together young people from diverse communities to discuss key issues impacting them.

Participants used art and dialogue to explore identity and challenge stereotypes. They created book covers of their identities, reflecting on what they reveal to the world and what remains unseen. This exercise allowed them to share their connections to the past, how social norms, religion, and gender roles have shaped them, and their visions for the future.

The event concluded with a "Peace Walk" around the city, a symbolic gesture promoting peace and unity throughout Prishtina.

The session sparked meaningful conversations, fostering empathy, self-awareness, and a collective commitment among the participants, for peace and understanding.

This project is supported by YIHR-KS, financed by USAID Kosovo, and implemented by Sbunker in cooperation with the organization Alternativna

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