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Public Discussion "Transitional justice, local challenges, and ensuring justice for victims."

The first public discussion on "Transitional justice, local challenges and ensuring justice for victims" was held in Gjakova today. This is one of the public activities with citizens in a series of activities within the framework of the project "Combating extremism in Kosovo: trends, challenges and countermeasures", supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo through the Matra program.

The lecture was held by Ideal Zhaveli, who raised critical questions about transitional justice in the local context. Participants in this discussion were young people from different communities in Gjakova, reflecting the ethnic and gender diversity of the city. The discussion focused on analyzing the challenges of transitional justice and efforts to ensure justice for victims, regardless of which group or community they belong to.

In addition to the topics discussed, participants also shared personal experiences regarding the challenges they have faced in this aspect so far, starting from school, family, to social environments. The discussion promoted deep reflection and opened up a constructive dialogue on these important issues for the local community.

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