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Punëtoria në Prishtinë “Paralajmërimi i Hershëm dhe Veprimi i Hershëm Kundër Ideologjive Ekstremiste”

Yesterday, the workshop "Early Warning and Early Action Against Extremist Ideologies" was held in Pristina, organized by Sbunker as part of the project "Fighting Extremism in Kosovo: Trends, Challenges and Countermeasures" supported through the Matra program of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo.

This workshop was led by Adelina Hasani, where after a lecture, she engaged participants with questions and discussions, encouraging debates on ethno-nationalist, anti-gender, religious narratives, and other extremist ideologies.

 This interactive activity brought together teachers, social workers, community police, religious leaders, and other professionals, providing opportunities for developing skills to address the challenges of extremism.

 Participants had the opportunity to engage in group work and collaborate to identify early signs of extremism, as well as to develop effective strategies for its prevention. This dedicated program has contributed to strengthening community resilience and promoting proactive measures against extremist threats.

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