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The Kosovo Police denies claims that the U.S. has discontinued training programs for them

The Kosovo Police (KP) responded to claims made in an article published by Dukagjini, suggesting that the United States had allegedly suspended training for the KP due to its operations in the predominantly Serb-populated northern region. In its statement, the KP highlighted the training programs it continues to receive from various local and international partners, with the U.S. described as the primary strategic partner.

"Since its establishment, the Kosovo Police has conducted various levels of training in cooperation with its partners both within Kosovo and abroad. These training programs have never been interrupted and continue to this day," the KP stated. They further emphasized their ongoing cooperation and excellent relations with the U.S. and the American Embassy, which have consistently invested in the Kosovo Police through training, expertise, and the provision of logistical and technological equipment. The KP expressed its readiness to provide any necessary information to resolve potential misunderstandings and maintain the partnership with the U.S.

The U.S. Embassy in Prishtina has also denied that there is currently a decision to suspend training programs.

"We are continuing to review this matter and have not made any decisions at this time," the U.S. Embassy stated.

On September 25, 2024, Dukagjini published an article titled, "Police Trainings Canceled, 'Sanctioned' by the U.S.," claiming that the Kosovo Police Special Units would not participate in U.S.-organized and supported international training programs for a period.

"As Dukagjini has learned from sources close to these developments, all of this was done as a form of sanction for the actions of the Government and the Police in northern Kosovo, specifically when they shut down the parallel Serbian municipalities," the news outlet reported. The article linked this to a statement from the U.S. Embassy, published on August 30, 2024, following a Kosovo Police operation in the northern municipalities to close parallel structures. The statement mentioned the U.S.'s ongoing request for the Government of Kosovo to coordinate with the international community and avoid unilateral actions on issues that, according to them, are on the agenda of the EU-facilitated dialogue. According to the U.S., Kosovo's failure to respond to these requests reflects a real and growing deterioration in the partnership between the two countries.

“The Government’s actions will also affect the quality and nature of our cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its subordinate elements.” is also written in the U.S. statement.

The unverified article was shared by other outlets, including: Radiostar, Gazeta Metro, Gazeta Demos, Periskopi, Ekonomia Online, Front Online, Bota e Lajmeve, Gazeta Neutral, Telegrami Sot, Mitrovica Sot, Gazeta Kosova, Demokracia, Gazeta Imazhi, Meti Channel, Mitrovica Ime, United Stated of Albania.

*This article is published as part of the Western Balkans Regional Initiative against disinformation. “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub: exposing malign influences through watchdog journalism.”

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