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Top Debunking Articles – May 2024

This infographic presents the most-read articles from May, which are debunkings by the Disinfo team. Sbunker is committed to combating misinformation by verifying news that aims to disinform public opinion in the country and the region.

The infographics are published as part of the project “Strengthening Community Resilience Against Disinformation,” supported through the Digital Activism Program by TechSoup Global.


This infographic presents the most-read articles from May, which are debunkings by the Disinfo team. Sbunker is committed to combating misinformation by verifying news that aims to disinform public opinion in the country and the region.

The infographics are published as part of the project “Strengthening Community Resilience Against Disinformation,” supported through the Digital Activism Program by TechSoup Global.

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