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Call for applications for IT companies

Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Development of a Website and Interactive Map

Project Title: Combating Extremism in Kosovo: Trends, Challenges, and Counter-Measures

The goal of the call for application is:

  • Develop a simple, inter-active and user-friendly web platform as an online resource for stakeholders dealing with extremism, far-right groups, hate speech, and human rights issues.
  • Include a toolkit for community leaders, educators, frontline defenders, local institutions, youth and women community organizations.
  • Create an interactive map to track and display the prevalence and distribution of extremist ideologies, foreign influences, inter-ethnic incidents, hate speech, gender-based violence, anti-LGBTQIA+ violence, and disinformation.

The rise of far-right ideologies, right-wing extremism, ethno-nationalism, and related radical ideologies—including anti-gender and anti-LGBTQIA+ movements—poses significant challenges to peace and security in Kosovo. This project aims to address these issues by promoting reconciliation, supporting internal dialogue, and preventing radicalization and violent extremism through civic engagement and stakeholder collaboration.

The project adopts an Early Warning and Action approach against local and regional extremism by engaging stakeholders at both community and institutional levels to build resilience, raise awareness, and advocate for policy changes.

The project aims to identify and map key trends of extremist ideologies, culminating in the development of a website featuring an interactive map to visually represent these findings. This map will serve as an early warning mechanism for policymakers, state and governmental authorities, frontline defenders, youth and women’s CSOs, community organizations, the international community, and other relevant stakeholders.

For the complete terms of reference please click here.

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