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EURO 2024 Championship: A Platform for Nationalistic Expression among Albanians and Serbs

The UEFA European Championship (EURO 2024) is taking place in Germany, and as in past events, football has become a fertile ground for nationalism and hate speech in the Western Balkans. This year, the participation of Serbia and Albania in the tournament has heightened tensions. 

Many football fans from these countries, bolstered by a substantial diaspora in Germany, have traveled to Germany to support their respective national teams. 

This has resulted in numerous incidents across Germany. In the first week alone, several German cities witnessed clashes involving Serbs and Albanians. 

One notable incident incident occurred in Gelsenkirchen, where Albanian and English hooligans clashed with Serbs at a Serb bar, involving around 150 individuals from both sides.

This incident highlights the deep-seated nationalism and intolerance between Serbs and Albanians. 

Inside the stadiums, nationalistic outbursts were frequent. Despite UEFA’s policy allowing only official state and football association flags, symbols of Greater Albania and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were present. Banners with the slogan “Kosovo is Albania” were also displayed and one individual even entered the stadium wearing a KLA military uniform.

In response to these provocations, UEFA penalized the Albanian Football Association for “provocative messages” displayed by its fans during the match against Italy. 

Yet, the nationalistic outburst persisted. During the Albania-Croatia match, fans from both countries chanted “Kill the Serbs,” prompting Serbia to threaten withdrawal from the tournament unless proper penalties were imposed.

In another incident, Kosovo-accredited journalist, Arlind Sadiku, provoked Serbian fans by displaying the Albanian eagle hand symbol. He later published his gesture on his Instagram account, which was deleted after the Serbian Football Association appeal. UEFA revoked Sadiku’s accreditation. In this case, Sadiku’s nationalistic sentiments prevailed over his professionalism. 

Nationalism and hate speech were displayed by Albanian players, too. Mirlind Daku, shouted insults against Macedonia and Serbia using a megaphone after the match between Albania and Croatia.

Serbian fans also engaged in provocative acts. They displayed banners proclaiming “Kosovo is Serbia” with the inscription “No surrender,” during the matches against Italy and Slovenia. 

Other incidents included showing sympathy for Russian President Vladimir Putin and glorifying Russia, a country banned from the tournament due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 

Serbian fans displayed the Russian flag in the game Serbia played against England and chanted in support of Vladimir Putin. In the overall atmosphere of fear from Russia and in the context of Russian aggression in Ukraine, such actions at a football game are considered distasteful, to say the least.   

These incidents in Germany are clear signs of the deep animosity between Serbs and Albanians. Not only do fans engage in extreme nationalistic rants, but these actions often involve professionals such as football players and journalists. 

Sports events, especially football, have become prime venues for displaying nationalism and hate speech, even when hosted by third countries, as in the case of Germany.  

Despite the sanctions issued by UEFA, these incidents persist, perhaps because the penalties are mostly financial. UEFA and other regional and global sports organizations should consider harsher punishments for both individuals and football associations.

Ultimately, the prevalence of politics in sports is a systemic problem in all Western Balkan countries. Certainly, much more can be done to prevent and address similar problems in the future.

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