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The Kosovo Key: Analysis and Perspectives

E4: Economic development, everyday life in Kosovo, and dialogue – a podcast with Isak Vorgučić

Economic development, support to local businesses – these are some of the messages we often hear within the Belgrade-Priština dialogue both coming from foreign mediators and domestic negotiators. However, what is it really like having a business in Kosovo – in Gračanica, for example? How do decisions and the Belgrade-Priština dialogue affect local producers? Does the dialogue alone have an effect? Or does the relationship the governments have with their citizens also have an impact? Is the gap between the communities getting smaller or does it keep widening as a result of the dialogue? How can a small entrepreneur from a minority community prevail in Kosovo? What happened to the promised internal dialogue between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and local Serbs? We discussed these issues, as well as other topics, with Isak Vorgučić, the director of Radio Kim, but also the brewer of an award-winning beer.

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