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The Sbunker project against extremism in Kosovo has begun

Today Sbunker held the first activity of its project "Fighting extremism in Kosovo: Trends, Challenges, and Counter-Measures", supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo. The aim of this first activity was to present the project to public institutions, civil society organizations, donors and international organizations present in Kosovo, and to inform them about our work and exchange experiences and perspectives.

The objective of the project is to identify extremist tendencies and ideologies and the role of foreign malign influence; engagement with local communities and the frontliners combating these phenomena; and engaging with policy makers to raise awareness and advocate for institutional and legislative policy changes.

The project will work with youth, women, non-majority communities and those most exposed to the risk of instrumentalization by extreme and radical groups, with the aim of raising awareness and early prevention of extremism, and limiting its impact. 

The participants were members of institutions such as the Kosovo Police, the Kosovo Security Force, the Municipality of Pristina, representatives of non-governmental organizations such as QKSS, ATRC, CDF, Forum ZFD Civil Peace Service - Kosovo, Syri i Vizionit, KEC, representatives of embassies and international organizations, such as the US Embassy, ​​the EU Office in Kosovo, G-CERF, and others.

We express our gratitude to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo for supporting this project through its Matra program and we thank the ambassador H.E. Carin Lobbezoo for her participation and speech today at the meeting

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