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The Point Conference and the Global Fact Conference

Sbunker’s Project Manager, Fitim Gashi, recently participated in two major conferences: The Point Conference and the Global Fact Conference. These events brought together experts focused on strategies to defend the truth and combat the spread of disinformation in the digital age.

During the Point Conference, held from June 24-26, Sbunker presented its findings on disinformation and propaganda related to Kosovo as part of the Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub project.

The Global Fact Conference, the world’s largest and most impactful annual summit for professional fact-checkers, took place from June 27-29. In its 11th edition, fact-checkers gathered in Sarajevo to discuss industry-wide challenges, exchange best practices and develop collaborative solutions to improve the information ecosystem.

Sbunker’s participation in these conferences underscores the organization’s commitment to promoting fact-checking, media literacy and the dissemination of accurate information.

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