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The Kosovo Key: Analysis and Perspectives

E2: Serbian elections and the dialogue: Decoding the Impact - podcast with Miodrag Marinković

In the recent episode of Alternativna’s podcast “The Kosovo key”, host Sanja Sovrlić engages in a comprehensive discussion with Miodrag Marinković – Executive director of the NGO Casa, unraveling the intricacies surrounding the recent December 17th elections in Serbia. The discussion touches upon various critical aspects, shedding light on the challenges faced by Serbs in Kosovo and the evolving dynamics of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

The podcast initiates by addressing the hurdles faced by Serbs in Kosovo during the Serbian parliamentary elections, where they were compelled to travel outside their hometowns to cast their votes in Serbia. Marinković highlights the impact of Pristina’s stance on this matter and the complex dynamics influencing the voting landscape.

Marinković further scrutinizes Belgrade’s response to the decision on the Serbian elections not to be held in Kosovo, with a specific focus on President Aleksandar Vučić’s statements. Speaking about the time and manner of these statements, he refers to the passive position in which Belgrade is in the context of the Kosovo issue and the rights of Serbs in Kosovo.

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