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Beyond economic considerations: New frontiers of Chinese influence in the western Balkans

At a time when the international order is marked by geopolitical uncertainty, the role of external actors is gaining renewed importance in the WB, a region still grappling with pressing development needs, unresolved disputes of the past, and fragile democratic institutions. A rising China is urging the new US administration to review its global strategic approach while the trans-Atlantic alliance struggles to muster a unified stance to maintain influence, protect core interests, and safeguard liberal values. These dynamics are being reflected in the WB where China’s expanding footprint threatens to boost the authoritarian tendencies of local political elites, challenge the European Union (EU) accession process, and contribute to further democratic backsliding. Overall, the challenge remains in balancing out demands for a much-needed infusion of funds and technology in the region with a framework of cooperation that is based on accountability and transparency – critical elements that we are currently not seeing in China’s partnerships with WB countries. This brief launches with these key questions in mind: Are WB countries susceptible to China’s influence and to what cost? How is China’s engagement in WB countries evolving and what are the policy implications for WB countries as well as the trans-Atlantic alliance?

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Lexoni Gjithashtu


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